Tips to Conserve Swimming Pool Water

Taking care of the pool is an important part of the process to ensure family fun, as well as making your maintenance process simpler. That's because dedicating some of your daily time to doing some checks allows you to keep track of the quality of the water. When we are concerned about keeping it always ideal, there will be more time to enjoy it, at any time, whenever you feel like it!

Here are some tips that will help make the process easier!

1. Check the chemical levels of the pool water

Having a pool water suitable for bathing and, more than that, healthy for everyone, is essential. And in order to do that, you will need to test your chemical levels regularly. Especially after heavy rain or days with intense sunshine. In any case, it is important to have a test kit handy, as the more you test, the healthier your pool water will be.

How often each of the chemicals should be checked:

Chlorine: at least once a week;

pH: also tested by checking chlorine levels;

Total alkalinity: changes the stability of pH levels and should be checked once a week;

Calcium hardness: once a month;

Metals: every 3 months. Metals such as manganese, iron and copper must be removed if found.

To learn step-by-step how to take care of your pool's chemical levels, visit other blogs dedicated to the subject: Clean and healthy water: what does a pH-balanced pool mean? and Swimming pool chlorine: understanding the label.

2. Clean the skimmer weekly

The skimmer is essential equipment, responsible for keeping the upper part of the pool water clean. Precisely where chlorine works less efficiently. But it's not uncommon for pool owners to forget to check their skimmer basket for days or even weeks. The equipment fills with all kinds of debris, including leaves or even objects left in the water. Making it work less efficiently and, consequently, damaging the rest of the filtration system.

Therefore, it is very important that the skimmer basket is cleaned at least once a week. It might be a good idea to increase this frequency twice a week if the pool is being used more often. Thus, the smaller the amount of debris trapped in it, the better the filtration process.

3. Clean the pump pre-filter weekly

Many pool pumps have a pre-filter compartment that traps larger debris before the equipment actually does its job. This compartment must also be checked weekly, as, if it is too full, it will make the pump's operation difficult. In some cases, the equipment can even become overloaded, resulting in engine burnout!

4. Always check the pool water level

Did you know that there is a right level for leaving your pool water? This level fluctuates daily, due to evaporation, rain or simply the action of bathers.

Whatever the case, uneven water causes problems. When the level is above ideal, debris floating on the surface is not picked up by the skimmers. In cases of suboptimal level, skimmers start to draw air into your system. Here, again, there is a risk of burning the pool pump motor.

As such, checking the correct level is a daily task! Always keep an eye out if the water is running halfway through the skimmer opening! That way you won't have any problems.

5. Keep the pool filter clean

The filter is an important part of the circulation system and has the function of filtering out smaller impurities that, over time, also accumulate in the equipment. Dirt, as in other cases, makes it less effective. This increases the risk of swimming pool water becoming cloudy, with the growth of bacteria and with an inappropriate quality for bathing.

How often the filter needs cleaning depends on the type of equipment you have. However, following a general rule, it is possible to see the need for cleaning from the pressure gauge that shows the internal pressure of the filter. Note the initial pressure indicated by it. The moment the pressure increases by 0.6 kgf/cm² it is time for cleaning. The more debris in your filter, the greater the pressure.

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